Buyer Of Hell, Michigan Transforms It Into Gay Hell To Scorch Trump

Musician Elijah Daniel is owning it.

Musician and YouTube personality Elijah Daniel boasted on Monday that he had temporarily purchased the tiny town of Hell, Michigan, to take a swipe at the Trump administration.

Then he changed its name to Gay Hell.

Daniel, 25, was angry that the administration had forbidden U.S. embassies from flying the Rainbow flag in honor of Pride month. So he β€œbought” Hell from John Colone, the unofficial mayor of the unincorporated hamlet, the Detroit Free Press reported.

Colone has been trying to sell the five-acre town since 2016. It was on the market then for $900,000, per the Free Press. It’s not clear how much Daniel paid for Gay Hell, or how long he’ll hang onto it.

This was not Daniel’s first encounter with β€œMichigan’s Hysterical Town.” In 2007, Daniel paid to be mayor of Hell for a day β€” and barred all heterosexuals from entering β€” before he was impeached.

β€œGrowing up, I was always told that homosexuals would go to Hell,” he wrote at the time. β€œNow the heterosexuals are trying to take this from us too.”

Needless to say, Twitter loved it the change:

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